June 30, 2021
PPA District Print Competition results are posted, and TWO of my images made the TOP TEN!
The North Central District includes 10 states and 2 Canadian provinces. I can’t show the images until the International Print Competition in August is completed. These images will be judged again for the highest awards at the international level. (fingers crossed!)
Print competition can be wildly exciting, and pretty darned scary. To give a little background, photographers can submit up to four images, and each image is judged by a panel of five judges. If the judges are not in agreement, they will openly discuss the merits of the image, which is a nerve-wracking experience.
My son asked me why I do this. There’s no easy answer to that. But, I think it boils down to growth. I learn so much by watching other images get judged. I’ve seen my work steadily improve by participating in print competitions. My goal is to continue to refine my craft, and putting myself out there is just one way to do that.
Nobody ever got better by doing nothing. And feedback, even constructive criticism, makes us tougher and makes us better. What are you doing to get better? I’d love to know so we can support each other! Leave your comment below. Let’s create a conversation of growth and empowerment.
